Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Still here


To all who is surviving the Summer with the kids.
I do love all the time with the kids but the Drama class is in high speed this summer, We have had several production each day !!

So far we have been to the movies, out to eat on Wednesday (cleaning lady comes), swimming that include "PILLY FLOPS" from Abby, beads, crafts especially the ones that make a HUGE mess ;0), bug bites, water gun fights, water balloon fights, doll dress up, Legos and the ever popular catching of the butterflys ok sometimes there are moths, but still are "so cool" to catch.. and so on..
By the end of the day I tired of all things summer, Abby has ruined yet another t- shirt and is filthy I make the quickest dinner, bath and re-bath in cleaner water. and put her to bed by 6:30 to 7 yep that is my day

I end my day with a little "View" check -email and a nightly phone call to my "sister" who husband is not home ever also. Oh the summer fun.

I wish I had pic to post but Daddy took the camera with him to show (off) us what it is like in a suite in St Lucia J/K.... well not really. I will post some pics soon

Happy summer to all


Leisha Mareth said...

I'm exhausted just reading that. I need to do more messy crafts with my kids, but I'm too tired to oversee "clean up" time =)

Lisa said...

Save yourself !! You have you hand full. I do have to say I am dealing with 12, 8, and 5 so they do "help" with the clean up. I found the best thing last summer Perlo ? beads These little beads you place on little shapes with spikes and iron, easy, quiet craft. I think of these organizational thing like sorting to keep them busy It kills 1 1/2 hrs in a very long day !!