Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Good Times

Hello There

Ya we are alive, Thing had been quiet around here but thing's are picking up

Garth and Abby have a fabulous trip to Utah over the week of 4th of July they had a great time visiting all the family. All of Garth sibling got together with all the kids
For weeks before they went we went over the family rules of

Right before they left I was warned about how bad the bug were up there especially the mosquito's well the whole time up there, out late at night, dusk and even in the mountains for a hike with "No" bug spray she did not get one BITE good ha well she is back in Texas for 24 hours and gets a real bad one. Tonight, back for 48 hr she is attacked on her FACE (4)AND NECK(5) WHILE COMING IN THE HOUSE FROM THE CAR!!!
I hate the bugs here.

Garth was very good with the Sunscreen and no sun burn YAAAA !! for Daddy They went swimming everyday

They had a blast going to the movie
Swimming, eating out, bike riding, shopping, fire works, sports at the church ext...

On Monday our first day back to work Abby and I were leaving "Targeee" and we were rear-ended pretty bad. We we both pretty shaken up but other than my sore shoulders we are fine.

It happened about 3 min. from Garth's work So I called him to come right over I was weepy at this point, Abby was fine crawling all over the car ONCE WE WERE IN A PARKING LOT . ( I have a thing about car accidents ) The young lady was real apologetic and luckily had insurance. I was a little bit worried when she told me it was "Progressive" But I will say this.... they have been great. I mean, they called me every three hrs. the first day to make sure I was fine and to see if I had any questions, called late at night to see if I was in any pain. I had a rental car this morning at 8 am ( my car is totally drivable)

I called today and said I want them to replace Abby car seat and they said "Of course we will bring you the cash when we come to meet you tomorrow" I just can not say enough good things. My car will be done on Monday so get to keep the fancy new thing (only 900 miles) until than.

I need to run look back soon for some Utah pics ( OH ya a family rule was broken !!!! I will fill you in later )

1 comment:

Leisha Mareth said...

Wow, a car accident, I'm glad you are both okay. A Daddy-Daughter trip to Utah sounds super fun! Post pics soon!