Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Today as I pick up Abby from school

"Hi Mommy how was your day at school"?
"Oh it was a hard one today I was working with sick-o germs in the lab"
"Do your eyes hurt from the micrcooop"?
"NA, but the words are hard to say I need to learn some new big words"
"Mommy I want to go to the pup a weary"
"The WHAT"
"You know Mrs. H. is going to be there with all my friends"
"Ok well I think we can look at the times and see, Abby what is that place Mommy doesn't know what you mean"
"Mommy the pup a weary"
"Hunny did you get a note about it today?
"Ya sure"

She hands me a note with information on it
1) a School Pep Rally....... Ah yes this must be it! Well than I see
2) a Puppie show of some sort at the local park !!! Humm yes its clear now NOT

"Hunny I do not see it I will call Mrs. H. and ask in the morning"
"Mommy all my friends will be there you know the ones in my class, the one with spike hair, the one with brownie skin. the one with all the long ponies and the boy who gets the naughty notes. All my friends

"Ok OK OK" ( ya right what on earth is she talking about)
"MOMMY MOMMY there that is were I want to go by the movie place, Look!!!!"
"You mean the public Library?
"Ya the pup a weary.. they have book on puppies!!

As it turns out it is our school month at the local library and one night this month her class is going to try to meet up..... her little words got all tangled, much like mine do at school these days.

As you all know spelling is not my strong point... well neither is saying the names of bacteria in a oral quiz. Never the less we will be going to the pup a weary soon

Have a good one...


Rachelle said...

Love it! How cute is that?! I adore my little niece, Abby.

Leisha Mareth said...

How funny and cute! Silly girl!