Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I knew she was smart

Today while talking to Abby about the Health Care issues in terms she can understand it. ( I am a prime example of the working class that pays private insurance that is HORRIBLE AND IS SOOO EXPENSIVE) She had the answer.. "Meme you should have you pay what you can with your job monies.. you know like you can pay $1:99" Love it.

Its hard to know what to do with the health care mess. I see it from so many points
1)My own situation going from great insurance to HORRIBLE and NOT but my choice. I did not chose to change or loss my coverage.. I have the same job live in the same place... and I am the sole head of Household.. I need to be healthy
2) Watching my mom deal with disability and soon Medicare she takes 15 Rx a day
3) Watching and dealing with the medical office insurance payments.
4) Being (soon) a medical professional.

I always get a sick feeling when I hear that people can get tummy tuck because they don't like the C section scare they got when THEY decided to have the C section in the first place.. Or Having to spend $300 on Asthma RX a month... Or having to watch the amount of medicine you give so you can stretch out the RX so you don't have to pay another Co-Pay.. No child or Adult should ever have to go with out affordable, competent timely medical coverage....
I do not have the right answer I do not think anyone does...But something must be done.

PS: DO you know that the only free insurance coverage I can get is Birth Control we all know how funny that is

1 comment:

critts said...

Wish I could get free birth control...mine costs a fortune on our new health insurance plan.

Here's the thing: I believe that everyone deserves medical coverage, I just don't think Obama's plan is the right way to go about it. I could go into way more detail but I won't since you didn't ask for my opinion anyway. :)