Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm getting it

It has been one year of official single -hood
A big thank you for all the friends & family who listen to me Cry, Wine, Vent, and Ramble I promise this year will not be as bad!
They say the "First is the worst". The first of everything new.. First Christmas without, first splitting up of time on Holidays, Birthday and so on. But I (we) made it. I am SO proud of Abby!! She has done well. I think for her the hardest time was in the beginning after we moved and recently. Garth was in Canada for awhile and she really missed him and the whole Utah family trip made her really sad. But she is a trooper and at this point I'm pretty honest with her. About my limits as a single mom and about about Garth's ( not those details she is to young ) limits. The main thing is I am committed to raising a healthy kid who learns resilients young... bit by bit. Garth and I are committed to do the best for her, and most of the time we are on the same page. I am thankful for that!!!
This year will be full of new things for her. Abby will be meeting Garth's new wife Angie and stepdaughter Nicole. Angie and Nicole still live in Canada but I believe will be moving here sometime in the next year..
So good for us I have to say. Abby is off to spend some time with Garth and I am playing "get it all done in 32 hours" ( she will be back tomorrow night)..
So I'm off:
To Goodwill, I have stuck to my promise something in this house something out. I hate clutter and things out of their home!!!
Pick up stuff at the alteration man
Make cookies for my lesson at church on Temple Marriage :0) how convenient
Study predicts possibilities for Statistics
Dinner with a school Friend
oh and the other Saturday stuff
My love to all thanks or your help.... Oh and By the way I found myself realizing something the other day. What it was is not very important, but what is important ...
It was a big growth moment the ones when we smile at our self and say "Good job your getting it" I hope to have many more in the year to come
I'm getting IT!!! I made it!!

1 comment:

Leisha Mareth said...

Just catching up with you Lisa. So, so, SO proud of you. We can't do anything but play the cards we are dealt in life. You are doing great! Love you! xoox