Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh the joy of Packing

Have you moved recently !!

It's hard but I have not moved since 1999 and basically I came here as a newlywed. You know how it is. We came from a little apartment in California that had 700 sq. feet. Where I still had my wedding shrine up lol

We moved to TX into 1700 sq feet. It was easy to bring everything I got a ton of new space.

Fast forward 9 years I have added

1. Child ( who has (had) the cutest room ever and TONS OF CLOTHES)
1. Guest room ( currently filled with my mom and all her stuff including a Christmas tree don't ask )
1. One play room with allot of stuff mostly craft, stuffed animals, books
1. Living room
( Garth got the den/ TV room)

1. House filled with accessories, family pics, and 9 years of things
1. Garage with a loft full
1. Kitchen fill with tones of stuff from all the Tupperware, Pampered chefs, etc parties

Well now I am going back into a little apartment not as small but small. and NO GARAGE.

I have made so many trip to goodwill here that the men keep asking how many more tips I will have. I was wondering how many I have made in the last 8 month since I found out about Garth and knew my life would change.
I went back and counted my recites for this tax year so since January 10th I have made 26 yep that's right 26 trips. Man I will love the tax deduction. In a strange way I fell good about it.

It's nice to know that I do not need all these things. Ya I mean I like my things. It's a little bitter sweet to give stuff away but I (we) want to start fresh and free!!

Free from what I can't really define that yet. I want to start a new chapter, getting rid of the old can only make room for the new.

To start new and fresh I have re defined ( OK in the process) my life and what I want out of it. We have the right to re-write or script to be the hero of out own story


Abby is my first priority !!! As I was talking to her today about the new people we will meet at our new ward I got so sad to see the questions in her eyes about what will happen to her, today at a new ward and in the upcoming few months (years). I thought for a moment "Just trust me Abby you will be fine I will take care of you" in an instant I felt

"I will take of you too Trust me and have faith and keep holding on to your dignity and honor"

We start a new ward today I will keep going back and forth for a while. All our best friend are in The Col... but we can make new one. Probably not as good but new ones. Today we can write a new page I hope it a exciting and adventurous.


I have tones of Pics to past but I have no time I will try soon


Leisha Mareth said...

You are right, you don't need much to be happy and I'm sure it is better for everyone to get rid of the past!

The "wedding shrine" comment made me laugh. It's so true! Almost everyone I know started in their first apartment with the "wedding shrine!"

Lisa, I don't know of anyone who will handle this situation better! You will be strong, you will be dignified and you will get through it! I know you will!

Do you still keep in touch with Sunny? Abby has SO many people who love and support her, she is going to be okay!

Rachelle said...

Congrats on selling the house! It really is amazing when one moves to see all the stuff that is hardly used and unnecessary. It feels great to purge.

Good luck in the new ward; you'll surely make some awesome friends there too. Who can resist the friendship of Lisa and Abby?

Lisa said...


YA pretty much we talk her and there. We email once a month and call twice a year.