Sunday, June 8, 2008

One more day to go !!!

I sold the house !!!!!

We have 1 more day of the "option" So say a big prayer for us. We are selling the house for what we paid for it 9 years ago but it is what it is.............................

We will be moving on the 21 of JUNE.

If I ever did anything nice for you or you feel like you want to be my best new buddy I would love the help. I need help unpacking just as much as packing. lol
(not really i need the help)

Abby, my mom and I will be living in Carro.... ( you locals know what I mean ) We will be in a small two bedroom but we will make do. I thought I would have a hard time getting rid of all my stuff but nope. I have made so many trips to goodwill I cannot even count well on Saturday I went 5 times with a full car.

All of Abby's cloths that I had held on to for so long Nope all to goodwill. I took some to the resale store and got nothing back from them all her Gymborree cloths I had TONS, all her really nice leather shoes from Nordi's gone for a mere 31 $$. After that I decided to just donate them and give them to peeps who need them. ( Is there a limit of donation you can claim ???)

So I am packing slowly as best I can. My mom is not doing to well, so she can not help much if at all. She is visually unable to see much and cannot walk for more than to get a glass of water and than return to her room. ( I love cable).

I will let you all know when plans firm up.

I wanted to say a big thank you for all of those who have so supportive to Abby and I. This has been a real hard time. I hope in the next few months after some of the last ties are broken I will began to see my light. Through all this I have seen the light and love of you all and your real concerns and strength. It is time I search for my light

All my love L.


Leisha Mareth said...

We will be on vacation that day Lisa, or I would totally be there to help you! I think about you and pray for you and Abby every single day! I've been reading an Ensign article a day and I constantly think "Oooh I should send that to Lisa!"

I'm so glad your Mom is here for emotional support (I'm so sorry she's so physically out of commision!)

You and Abs will be FINE. F-I-N-E fine. Promise. Lightening your load of clothes and "stuff" must feel kind of good in a way! I would sometimes love to downsize and start fresh!

That silver lining is there Lisa, keep looking hard for it!

Lisa said...

Thanks Leisha

I know all me friends are going out of town !! ( Im sure are still out there lol)

I will be fine I will be fine I will be fine!!!!!!!!!

Megan said...

Congrats on selling the house, hope it goes smoothly from here on out. Good luck with the move, if you are moving into Susan S. ward (I think she mentioned you might be looking at some appts near her), totally call them for help moving, Gary is in the bishopric and I am sure he can round up lots of help. They seem to have a good ward.

You will find your light, and boy will it shine! Here's to better days.

Lisa said...

Thnak s Megan... No I think I will be in anothere ward. G will be in her ward. CAn I just say Packing is not fun !!!

Leisha Mareth said...

Lisa...I randomly came across a blog of an LDS woman in the wonderful throes of divorce as well. She is very uplifting to read and is going to be starting a new blog to discuss the issues she encounters and to open a dialogue for those going through the same thing. I don't have your latest e-mail (the nannylisad one doesn't work anymore?) so I will leave the link here, just copy and paste it into your search bar.

She inspires me, I think she might help you keep your chin up during this transition time for you (p.s. she has 2 daughters as well...)