Ever need a break in Life. I sure did. It is not often that I get one, a break these days, single mom, daughter, student, room mom and oh I work!!! and running to Doctor appointments when I have a free second.
Well Last week on Monday I had a day. A day filled with appointments and activities such as this you may ask
Up at 6:15 am get us up and ready out the door at 7 SHARP (Don't forget to take out the trash to the dumpster)
Drop off Abby at bus stop at 7:10 (Wait to do the cute hand signs we do and get her safely on the bus with her buddy)
7:30 Go to work and well WORK
7:45 Get in car to drop off Amanda at school
8:15 Go back to work and WORK
8:40 Be back at my house for a 2 mile walk (well race walk on this day)
9:30 Home shower
10:00 Back to work to change laundry
Pick up Abby at school at 10:15, convincing her the wart appointment is going to be fine and she can have ice cream after..... I'm looking forward to this as well
Get mom she has a appointment at 10:40 with her retina specialist bla bla bla see you in 5 weeks
12: 15 Drive to the allergist office to get flu vaccines administered to Nana, Abby and myself. I know the flu shot is not for everybody can you imagine my life if we got the flu in this apartment. I can't ( I always get them anyway)
12:45 Drive my mom home and grab a quick lunch
1:00 Drive back to the same building were the flu shots were given to the 'wart appointment" @ 1:15. Abby had a wart that needed to be "froze" off. I took her to her dermatologist ( don't ask) Well I learned my lesson I'll try the home kit next time and save about 40$$ ( still I got some moles check on us for free. One of Abby's is now raised and growing just my luck.
2:10 Left there in one piece no tears were shed to the ICE CREAM shop (yummy highlight of my day)
2:45 Drive Abby back home so she can rest her foot.
3:00 GO to another school and pick up the kids from school and
MORE appointments this time it was for a Dentist for a 3:45 and a 4:40
ahh new smells. Sit there for 2 hrs....
Drive big kids home and listen to how hungry the are and why can't they eat for 30 min. Arrive at ( work home) to fold laundry and head HOME my HOME
When I get home I got to do the single mommy thing, help my mom with her bills, pay mine while I'm at it. Fix dinner, clean up dinner mess, go over spelling words and vocab words. Abby has a early bed time so she was off to bed at 7:15.
7:45 Walk out of the bedroom saying I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN AND I NEED A LIFE BREAK
Well this weekend I did it ( Garth had Abby)
I walked 4 miles on Saturday with no reason to hurry.
Took a good shower, and had time to shave and not cut off 1/2 my ankle ( you know how it is )
DRIED my hair
Watched two movie on Lifetime or was it USA. Notting Hill and Raising Helen( tissue please)
Picked up my house cooked a good dinner with my friend... Oh what could have been better..
I walked for 2 miles no time limit.
Showered and SHAVED two days in a row with no blood!!!
Got ready with time to spare for church (never happens is this house) I got one child you know :0)
Went to church with Garth and Nana to hear Abby do her Primary program.. each of the kids wrote there OWN testimonies on specific subject Abby had chose the right.. She was perfect !!!!
I left church early ( ohhhhh I know) to come home a veggg on
the sofa and eat left overs. What a great day. Abby can home at 6 tonight to a new Mommy, with shaved legs. Something she really notices You know she sleeps with me now.
Humm the night is still young what is on TLC or the Discovery channel ? I need to rest up tomorrow is a new week.... It's good to be me !!
PS: How do I get my pics off my cell phone?? And I need some one to fix my UGLY BLOG